Dhuan Dhar at a distance of 18 KM from Mandi offer good one day outing option with various picnic spots near the temple and also on the way.

Dhuandhar situated at a altitude of 1653 M from sea level and has very good view of Pandoh dam from the top of the mountain ridge, Prashar hills are also visible from one side, area is surrounded by chil forest, now pine tree plantation are also seen out there.

A temple of Dhumavati goddess at the top of ridge surrounded by forest, a traditional fair held every year on 15th May to 17th May every year. There are various wild himalayan fruits available in the forest but the famous if Kafal which has unique taste and very popular in Mandi, Kafal has great taste, they grown in wild and has very short life span after harvesting, should be consume with in 2 days.

The whole area is very beautiful and offer good place to spend time, various local schools and colleges held picnics here, it is also very popular among lovers. A Forest rest house is also available at Dhuandhar.

Our Journey

I visited occasionally with friends, for me its good 1 day outing place, also I like to eat Kafal in wild so visit to Dhaundhar is must if I have to eat Kafal without buying them from market. Its very near to Mandi, but road is uphill and narrow, condition of road upto Kotmorsh village is very good after that road is rough upto the temple, there is also road to Chailchowk via Moviseri which goes through Kotmorsh, the other famous village of the region is Majwahar.

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